MCU Psi Chi Constitution
Section 1. The name of this organization or association is: MCU Psi Chi Chapter
Section 2. This is the appropriate place to list any national or local affiliations.
ARTICLE II: Purpose/Mission
Section 1. The purpose/mission of the MCU Psi Chi Chapter shall be to promote the study and research of psychology and provide educational enrichment, mental health, and social service to the community and club members.
Article 3: Membership
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be extended to all students at Marymount California University who have interest in and is committed to the study of psychology and mental health in the community.
Section 2. In accordance with Titles VI & IX of The Civil Rights Act of 1965: No person shall be denied membership or office because of sexual orientation, national origin, race, color, sex, physical disability, political, or religious beliefs.
Section 3. A minimum of five members, including the Executive Board, is required while in Conditional Status. Once Recognized Status is reached, five members excluding the Executive Board are required.
Section 4. No dues or payment is necessary for joining the MCU Psi Chi Chapter
Section 5. Members are eligible to vote when: the member attends at least 50% of all club meetings (or excused by the Faculty Advisor) during a given semester and participate in at least 50% of the club sanctioned activities.
Article 4: Officers/Executive Board
Section 1. All members of this organization are eligible to run for Executive Board positions if they maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, and are in good academic and conduct standing with Marymount California University.
Section 2. The structure of this organization’s Executive Board shall be: President, Vice-president, Secretary/Historian, Publicity, and faculty advisor
Section 3. Roles of Each Executive Board Member
A. The President shall: attend, call, preside over, and supply an agenda for all meetings of the organization; attend all events; complete all registration forms from the Office of Student Life as necessary; serve as main contact to and from the Office of Student Life
B. The Vice President shall: attend all meetings and events; assist the President in all needs; fill the vacancy of the President as needed.
C. The Secretary/Historian shall: attend all meetings and events; take minutes at each meeting; have minutes available to all members and organization advisor within 48 hours following the meeting; keep an active membership roster; publicize meetings and events.
D. The Publicity Officer shall: attend all meetings and events; assist in promoting the MCU Psi Chi Chapter through on-campus advertising; promote and advance the MCU Psi Chi Chapter social media presence; keep active participation in the MCU Psi Chi Chapter social media outlets (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)
E. The advisor shall: meet regularly with the Executive Board members; assist in event planning; attend organization events; make reservations for campus space via Resource Scheduler; and serve as a resource for organization officers and members.
Section 4. The term of office shall be for one academic year.
Section 5. An officer may be removed from their position if, first, a member or other officer (not the officer in question) presents evidence to the faculty advisor to call for a special vote. With the approval from the faculty advisor, a special vote will be held with all current/participating members. Last, two-thirds of the members must support (i.e., two-thirds of the votes for impeachment) to impeach the said officer.
Article 5: Meetings and Events
Section 1. Meetings will be held monthly or as-need, as agreed by the Psi Chi officers at the beginning of the academic year.
Section 2. Special meetings for programming, events or other reasons can be held at the discretion of the organization.
Section 3. Stipulations for quorum for your organization. (a quorum shall consist of (#) voting members or a percentage of voting members present at any meeting)
a. A quorum is defined as the number or percentage of total membership to be present at a meeting in order to conduct the business of the organization (elections, amendments, fiscal decisions, etc.)
Article 6: Voting
Section 1. All legislation must be approved by a two-thirds vote of members eligible to vote.
Section 2. All officers, except the Vice President (or Secretary/Publicity), may vote on all legislation. The Vice President (or Secretary/Publicity) will be the determining vote in the event of a split vote.
Article 7: Amendments
Section 1. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and presented at the next Psy Club general meeting.
Section 2. Amendments to the constitution and/or bylaws must be approved following Article 6.
ARTICLE 8: Advisors
Since advisors are required to be a recognized student organization at Marymount, organizations should set guidelines as to the role of the advisor in the student organization. Additionally, some organizations will have specialized advisors/coaches; regulations regarding the recruitment, selection, and dismissal of these individuals should be highlighted in your constitution.
Section 1. There shall be one faculty advisor who shall be the member’s ex-officio with no voting privileges.
Section 2. Method of selection of advisor for your organization: Through approval of the Psychology department chair and current faculty advisor.
Section 3. Duties and responsibilities of advisor: meet regularly with the Executive Board members; assist in event planning; attend organization events; make reservations for campus space via Resource Scheduler; and serve as a resource for organization officers and members.
Section 4. Method of removing advisors from their position: Approval of petition for a special vote to the Psychology Department Chair and a two-thirds vote of members eligible to vote.
Article 9: Disbandment
In the event of disbandment, all accrued funds and assets derived from University-sponsored fundraising or MSGA contributions shall revert to the Office of Student Life. All remaining funds acquired by membership dues will be returned to the contributor whenever possible.