Course Description
This is the online version of the PSY 494 course. This is the second course in research methods and is designed to apply research methods learned in a previous research course. Faculty will mentor and facilitate the student’s semester long project that will demonstrate their mastery of the Psychology Program Learning Outcomes and their ability to plan, execute and deliver an original project. This course includes: completing the execution of the plan, data entry, data analysis, preparation of the written report, and presentation of the project. Core competency tag: R3
R3: This course meets the Experiential Learning (R3) core competency. Participates and contributes to substantial research
Number of Units: 4
Prereq: PSY 240 & ENG 112 or equivalent
Term Length: Semester
Not required but helpful: Publication Manual of the APA (7th Ed, 2019)
Please note: the information above is provided as an overview. Updated and accurate information will be provided via My.Marymount and the course catalogues.

Please note that all dropbox assignments in the course are used to construct the final paper. For example, the Methodology section created during Week 7 will be the methodology you will revise and use in your final paper. So, don’t think of each individual assignment as something stand-alone but as something that will be used later.
It is very important that you pick a topic during the first few weeks that: (1) you’re interested in personally, (2) you can construct a quantitative/qualitative survey for, and (3) you do not mind writing about throughout the semester.
If you take a look at the paper/survey roadmap on the left, you can see the progression from Week 1 (brainstorming of topic) to submitting the final draft of the paper. You will be creating each section via dropbox assignment and then combining and revising.
In addition (the right column), you will also be actively working in survey construction, data collection (i.e., distributing the survey), and data analysis with my help.